Ten Functions

The institute's primary goal is to serve the development of the digital economy in global cities and to help cities or enterprises with digital transformation needs worldwide to provide services. The specific content will include strategies, standards, consultation, planning, transformation, operation, exhibitions, Evaluation, training, and IP transactions.


Guided by urban application scenarios, research new technologies, models, and business formats, and provide strategic services for government functional departments, cities, or enterprises.


Build a standard system in the urban digital economy and digital transformation field to facilitate international urban exchanges and services and expand cooperation in urban digital economy knowledge, science, technology, and economy. We then improve the overall layout and practice of global digital urban economic development with a frame of reference directions and paradigms.


Carry out consulting work such as research and judgment on urban digital economy trends, model research, path design, policy formulation, digital industry chain, digital assets, and transactions.


Provide planning services ranging from R&D and construction to governance and help cities collaboratively develop modular and general-purpose technologies, software and hardware products, and technical solutions that support urban digitalization.


Open the path from intellectual property to technical products and marketization, and realize business value creation.


By synergizing resources and grasping dynamic information from industry trends, the service platform can support all aspects of the urban digital economy, enterprises, and industrial parks.


Connect global enterprises, universities, and research institutes, and organize exchanges on core technologies, business models, and future trends related to the urban digital economy.


Build a classification and grading rating system and certification system, and forwardlookingreports guide investment directions for high-level decision-makers in cities and enterprises, provide business opportunities, and guide the healthy and standardized development of the city's digital economy and technology.


Build training bases, construct an urban digital economy knowledge and course certification system, and combine online and offline to promote the certification and training of digital talents at different levels.

IP transactions

A copyright integrated service system based on the core elements of urban digital technology copyright as the development model will promote the growth of the urban digital economy.